Can You Build a Shipping Container Home in Tennessee?

  • By: Promise
  • Time to read: 5 min.
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You can build a shipping container home in Tennessee as long as you obtain the permits needed to build the house and follow all Tennessee building codes while building the shipping container home.

Shipping container homes are homes constructed from shipping containers. They are homes designed and built using cargo containers.

In recent times, shipping container homes are getting wider acknowledgment owing to the benefits it comes with. If not for anything, for the fact that it is cheaper than the normal brick house we all know, makes it worthy to acknowledge.

Many states now allow the use of shipping containers to build homes in the state and Tennessee is not left behind. Therefore, in this article, we will be talking about building a shipping container home in Tennessee and everything you need to know before you start building one.

Are Shipping Container Homes Legal in Tennessee?

Shipping container homes are legal in Tennessee and is approved by the government authority. It is legal to build a shipping container home in Tennessee as long as you obtain the permits needed to build the house and follow all Tennessee building codes while building the house.

The legality of shipping container homes in Tennessee makes it possible for people in Tennessee to comfortably building shipping container homes in the state.

It means that the Tennessee government allows the use of shipping containers to build a home provided the necessary permits needed to build the house were obtain and the state building codes being followed.

However, the fact that the Tennessee government has given way for container homes doesn’t mean you will decide to build a death trap in the name of a shipping container home. No, it doesn’t work that way.

There are procedures to follow. Those procedures are what will make the container house a valid building that is acceptable by law.

Can You Build a Shipping Container Home in Tennessee?

You can build a shipping container home in Tennessee as long as you obtain all the necessary permits needed to build the house and follow all Tennessee building codes while building the shipping container home.

As a matter of fact, Tennessee is one of the best States to build a shipping container home as there is no law that can prevent or limit you from building one. But you are however advised to follow the procedure explained later in this article when building one.

Since the government has approved you build a shipping container home in the state, the only thing they require from you is to ensure that before the house is completed, all the necessary permits such as building permits, electrical, and plumbing permits were obtained and the state’s building codes duly followed.

Failure to obtain a permit to build a shipping container home or not building the house in line with the state’s building code will not make your house illegal, rather, it will make the house an invalid place for any human and animal habitation.

In some states, if you build a shipping container home without a permit when an inspector comes to inspect the house and notices that the house was built to completion without a permit, you may be forced to get the permit and this time, pay double of what it would have cost you to get the permits in the first place.

Pareventure you want to sell the house, you may find it difficult selling the house as the buyer may not want to buy a house that was built without a permit.

Steps to Follow When Building a Shipping Container Homes in Tennessee

If you wish to build a shipping container home in Tennessee, here are steps you need to take to ensure you build a solid house that will be approved by an inspector.

Purchase a Land in Good Location

Getting land where the shipping container home will be built is the number thing to do as you cannot build the container home in the air.

However, while purchasing the land, ensure the land is situated where it is possible to build a shipping container home.

Some cities in Tennessee may not allow you to build a shipping container home in some certain location, so be sure before purchasing the land. You can call the local authority to find out.

Clear the Land and Have it Read for Work

After you have confirmed the possibility of building a shipping container home in the land and have purchased it, next would be clearing it and having it ready for work. This is very important as you cannot build the container home on top of grasses and weeds.

Permit to Build Shipping Container Home in Tennessee

You need a permit to build a shipping container home in Tennessee, you may be asked to submit the plan of container home you wish to build to obtain the permit.

This means you need the building plan to be ready before applying for the permits. For the permits to be granted to you, ensure the architect follows all Tennessee building codes while drawing the plan.

Meet a Shipping Container Home Builder in Tennessee

Shipping container home builders are best to be used to build a shipping container home. This is because of how knowledgeable they are in constructing a home out of shipping containers.

However, it’s important to note that some shipping container home builders can be expensive owing to the fact that most of them charge per hour. But they are worth the money because they are going to take away all the building burden from you.

If you don’t want to use their services or if their services are too expensive for you, you can purchase an already built shipping container and save yourself the stress and money.

Most of these container home builders in Tennessee have an already constructed shipping container home, all you have to do is to meet them and buy the one that meets your standard. These container homes can cost between $15,000 to $80,000 to purchase in Tennessee.

After purchasing the container home, they will deliver it to your site and place it on an already existing foundation for you.

Have an Inspector Inspect the House

Before finally moving in the house, you are required by code to call for an inspector to inspect the house before moving it. This is to be sure the house is valid for both human and animal habitation and not a death trap in a disguise of a house.

However, it’s pertinent to note that even though Tennessee allows the use of shipping container homes, some cities in the state may not allow you to build one for one reason or the other. Therefore, the best way to find out is by inquiring from the appropriate authorities.

You can call the local authorities and inquire from them or check if someone has already built a shipping container home in that same city. If you can find any shipping container home in the location, it is a chance that it is possible to build one there. But it is better to hear it from the local authority.

Final Thoughts

Building a shipping container home in Tennessee may not be as easy as you think but as long as you obtain the permits needed and follow all the state’s building codes, you can go ahead with building a shipping container home in Tennessee.

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