Is It Bad to Pour Soda Down the Drain?

  • By: Promise
  • Time to read: 4 min.
I'm a passionate writer, a blogger and a web designer. I spend most of my time surfing the internet and writing quality articles.

In recent years, many people have come up with different methods of unclogging drains but the truth is that there’s a limit to the effect they would have on the clogs.

So many things have been recommended to be poured down the drain which can only worsen the issue sometimes or even affect the health of the person pouring it. Things like vinegar, baking soda, bleach, and so on have been recommended to remove clogs.

However, the question that might come to mind is, Is it Bad to Pour Soda down the Drain?

It’s not bad to pour soda down the drain rather pouring soda down the drain will break the clogs. Pouring soda down the drain won’t have any side effects on the drain itself. The phosphoric acid is weaker so it won’t affect the drain.

Can I pour Soda down the Toilet?

Soda works for toilet clogs not just kitchen and bathroom drain clogs. The soda to use is the dark-colored ones like Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

Apart from unclogging drains, you can also use soda to clean your toilet. There are no side effects to it at all. \

To unclog drains with soda, pour two liters of soda into the toilet bowl. Leave for three hours and flush with hot water. If it’s a tough clog, leave the soda in the toilet overnight and flush with hot water the next morning.

Is it Bad to Pour Soda down the Drain?

You might have fear of side effects when you pour soda down the drain. There are no side effects when you use soda for your drains. It can be used to even clean the drains.

The phosphoric acid in soda is not as toxic as the chemicals in some chemical drain cleaners. Therefore, the soda won’t affect your PVC pipes so it’s okay to pour soda down the drain. But it should only be minimal.

What Does Pouring Soda down the Toilet Do?

Pouring soda down the toilet does two things: it either cleans the toilet or unclogs the drains.

To clean the toilet; pour the soda around the edges of the toilet bowl. Let it stay for hours and flush with hot water.

If it’s to unclog drains, remove the water from the toilet bowl first. To do this, stop the water supply then flush. The water will be reduced to little drops.

Use a sponge to dry the toilet bowl. Then pour two liters of soda into the toilet bowl. Let it stay overnight and flush it with hot water.

How to Unclog the Drains with Soda

  • To unclog drains with soda, pour two liters of soda into the toilet bowl.
  • Leave for three hours and flush with hot water.
  • If it’s a tough clog, leave the soda in the toilet overnight and flush with hot water the next morning.

Things You Should never Pour down the Toilet

Toilets have the tendency to be clogged. People have come up with several homemade drain cleaners to clean the toilet.

But the issue is that many of the things that clog the toilet are what should be disposed of into the garbage. The toilet isn’t where certain things should be disposed.

The following are things you shouldn’t pour down the toilet. They are:

1. Paper Towels

These towels absorb water. They don’t dissolve easily in water. They are very different from toilet paper that can be easily flushed. Dispose of your paper towels into the trash can.

2. Diapers and Sanitary Pads

These shouldn’t be thrown into the toilet at all. They block the drains and you will have to spend more money on the repair.

The same thing goes with sanitary pads. They will cause blockage in the drains because they will enlarge beyond their normal size once they absorb water.

3. Cigarettes

Several people do this all the time. They dispose of cigarettes in the toilet and try to flush them. While the butts of the cigarettes won’t flush, they will release harmful chemicals into the water system. Dispose of cigarettes in the trash can.

Other things that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet: kitty litter, cotton wools, and buds, etc

If the clogs in your toilet drains are not caused by these physical materials but other things, then you will have to unclog the drain.

Many drain cleaners don’t unclog the toilet drain. This is because the way the drainage system is constructed is different from the kitchen. There are drain cleaners that are harmful to your toilet.

4. Drano or Liquid-Plumbr

These are chemical drain cleaners that are harsh. They are toxic and can affect the PVC pipes. Drano Max Gel has been recorded to soften the pipes and cause them to break. It causes the toilet bowl to also break. Don’t pour this down your toilet.

However, if you have mistakenly poured Drano down the toilet, you can read what to do if you put Drano in the toilet here.

5. Chemical Cleaners

Don’t pour chemical cleaners down the drains. You’ll damage the toilet pipes and you will end up contacting a plumber and spending more money. It’s important to know the pros and cons of using bleach to unclog a drain.

6. The mixture of Chemical Cleaners with Homemade Drain Cleaners

This mixture will cause a toxic reaction that would be harmful to the toilet. Before you use the second drain cleaner, let the former one work well. It is even better not to use them on the same day.

Final Thoughts

There are drain cleaners that are safe and not toxic. Examples of those are baking soda and vinegar. You can safely use baking soda and vinegar to clean your drain.

They can be used instead of chemical drain cleaners. Soda is safe and not toxic. You can also use it to clean your toilet monthly. If you use the homemade cleaners and the clog still remains, you need to contact a plumber.

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