
What is the Ratio of Baking Soda to Vinegar to Clean a Drain

What is the Ratio of Baking Soda to Vinegar to Clean a Drain?

It is normal for your drain to be clogged no matter how careful you are. However, how careful you are will determine when the drain might be clogged. Grime and oil are the common cause of clogs in kitchen drains while soap scum and hair strands are the main cause of clogs in the bathrooms….

Will Coke Dissolve Hair in a Drain

Will Coke Dissolve Hair in a Drain?

Coke is a popular carbonated drink produced by The Coca-Cola company. It was actually introduced first as a patent medicine but now it has become a soft drink that is enjoyed by many of its lovers. People have come up with different things to do with Coke apart from drinking. Some use it to clean…

Putting Salt Down the Drain at Night

Putting Salt Down the Drain at Night: Pros and Cons

It is common to have clogged drains. This shows you are using the drains. But a clogged drain can be tiring so that you will try everything you know to try to unclog it and if none works, you’ll have to contact a plumber. This is why you have to be careful of things you…

Is It Bad to Pour Soda Down the Drain

Is It Bad to Pour Soda Down the Drain?

In recent years, many people have come up with different methods of unclogging drains but the truth is that there’s a limit to the effect they would have on the clogs. So many things have been recommended to be poured down the drain which can only worsen the issue sometimes or even affect the health…

Unclog Drain with Bleach

Unclog Drain with Bleach: Pros and Cons

Drains get clogged when there is soap scum, hair, oil in it. Clogged drains are common with used drains so you have to expect it. You might not just know when. However, there are different DIY methods that have been developed to unclog drains rather than contacting a plumber. Some of these ways work for…

Epsom Salts to Clear Drains

Epsom Salts to Clear Drains: Pros and Cons

One of the things common with toilets, kitchen sinks, and bathroom is clogged drains. Washing of hair in the bathroom, washing of oil in the kitchen, and bathing can cause grime in the drains. A drain can be partially clogged or fully clogged or fully clogged. When it’s partially clogged, water goes down slowly. But…

Is It Safe to Use Baking Soda and Vinegar to Clean a Drain

Is It Safe to Use Baking Soda and Vinegar to Clean a Drain

A clogged drain is really disturbing as the water won’t flow well. This will cause germs if left for a long time. A clogged drain is caused by the build-up of grime in the drains. This is why people have come up with many ways to clear a clogged drain. There are many DIY methods that…